A Deeper Look: Lightsaber Combat Forms – Form II: Makashi
Before sabers were widely distributed across the cosmos, Shii-Cho emerged as the original lightsaber combat form. Those who used lightsabers in those days typically engaged opponents who had to use older equipment. Lightsaber battles usually favored the person with a lightsaber, facing one or more opponents who had no sword. Therefore, the creators did not design Shii-Cho with head-to-head lightsaber combat in mind because they did not need to emphasize that aspect of combat.
Lightsabers became known as powerful weapons, leading to more one-on-one battles between those who used them. This fearless new world of lightsaber duels was not a place for Shii-Cho's fighting style. The creation of Lightsaber Form II: Makashi (pronounced muh-KAH-she) was motivated by that shortcoming. It is the most appropriate lightsaber combat form for two-sabre duelling out of all of them.
The Makashi lightsaber form is also called the Way of the Ysalamiri or The Contention Form. It is meant for one-on-one duels with other lightsaber users. Famous practitioners of it include Asajj Ventress and Count Dooku.
Makashi Form Areas of Emphasis
In contrast to Shii-Cho, Makashi emphasizes expertise over physical force, primarily based on the lightsaber's natural advantage over other battlefield equipment. It is assumed that the adversary possesses a lightsaber and a fair amount of expertise in using it. Makashi needs to be proficient in a variety of fighting techniques, such as:
Economy of movement
– Makashi's form requires skill with the sword and feet. Using as little energy as possible is the goal of fighting in the Makashi style. The Makashi expert's graceful, dance-like movements come from focusing on effective actions. These movements not only enhance their skill but also intimidate opponents due to their impressive control and poise.
Balance of offence and defence
– When it is feasible, the Makashi expert attacks; when not, he defends. A Makashi practitioner tries to keep a safe distance from their opponent.
They avoid positions that could be dangerous. They also move closer or further away as needed during a fight. In the Makashi style, feints are crucial for tricking the opponent and setting up an attack.
Tactical analysis
– The mental side of combat is another area of expertise for the Makashi practitioner. They constantly study their opponent's movements throughout the battle to find vulnerabilities they can exploit.
Shortcomings of Makashi Lightsaber Form
Makashi was a style that focused on one-on-one lightsaber duels. It was effective at first. However, it became a weakness as blasters gained popularity across the galaxy.
Makashi was never intended to be a reliable protection against long-range weapons. Makashi also tends to be ineffectual while facing several opponents. Makashi is still a useful fighting style, especially when facing a single opponent with a sword. It has not become outdated and remains effective in combat situations.
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